銷售代表:周亮 先生
電話:021-51085793-170 手機:15821692052
傳真:021-51086107 QQ:314434630
郵箱:ct@chitian.cn 網站:
Tacmina corporation,專業制造定量泵的日本廠商,生產的泵具有耐腐蝕性,能廣泛應用于化工行業。 PE PVC SD SW SP EP EM DM RK RM RMW RD RW SMP SP MSP DL CSM N30 N20
近50年來,TACMINA一直專業從事生產隔膜計量泵,水處理,消毒,工藝設備系統。 我們的隔膜計量泵,除了其耐腐蝕性和化學相容性,可以準確地傳輸液體在客戶需要的形式,沒有任何泄漏到大氣中。我們相信,隨著他們的潛力,可以解決我們的隔膜計量泵作為傳輸液體的理想方法在各個領域的廣泛的用戶需求的廣泛。 在未來,TACMINA將繼續進一步提高隔膜計量泵和隔膜應用技術。 我們的公司名稱為“TACMINA”是由兩個重要組成部分 - TACMI和NA。 TACMI表示在日本和NA“創新精神”的前兩個字母“的性質?!?“TACMINA”這個詞充斥著我們的服務,通過原有的卓越的技術和強大的產品線都在與自然的和諧的愿望
For almost 50 years, TACMINA has specialized in manufacturing diaphragm metering pumps, and water treatment, disinfection, and process equipment systems. Our diaphragm metering pumps, besides their corrosion resistance and chemical compatibility, can accurately transfer liquids in the customers' desired form without any leakage to the atmosphere. We are sure that, with their potential, our diaphragm metering pumps can address a wide range of user needs in a broad spectrum of fields as an ideal method of transferring liquids. In the future, TACMINA will continue to further improve diaphragm metering pumps and diaphragm-applied technologies. Our company name "TACMINA" is made up of two important parts - TACMI and NA. TACMI expresses "the spirit of creativity" in Japanese and NA takes the first two letters of "nature." This word "TACMINA" is filled with our desire to be of service to everybody through original outstanding technology and a strong product line-up in harmony with nature