德國WEBER熱金屬檢測器, WEBER傳感器 ,WEBER流量開關, WEBER紅外開關,WEBER高溫計, WEBER流量計, WEBER探頭 處理器
銷售代表:周亮 先生
電話:021-51085793-170 手機:15821692052
傳真:021-51086107 QQ:314434630
郵箱:ct@chitian.cn 網站:
WEBER熱金屬檢測器是一種專為重工業環境中的無故障運行而特別設計的紅外開關,25年來,WEBER熱金屬檢測器已經成功地應用以下行業: 軋鋼廠 控制剪切機,監視熱桿,控制錕床,線圈調節,開關橫切吊機,冷床,卷取控制,監視邊緣清洗,連鑄或跟蹤高速線圈。 焦爐 監視淬火,剪切壓下裝置,以及爐內排氣火焰和傳送裝置 鍛壓鑄造 監視澆鑄過程,位置控制 垃圾焚化爐,監視傳送帶,鼓風爐,廢物監視,玻璃業,監視鑄壓模 一般工業 任何需要利用紅外輻射發出可靠信號的地方 工作原理 透鏡將紅外線輻射傳送到紅外檢測器,當輻射量達到出發點時,電子開關輸出線路就被觸發。該產品還特別設計了電子補償線路,能補償高溫環境和器件老化帶來的變化,所以無需再調節,能確保運行的高度安全性和可靠性。三個不同溫度設置點提供了最佳溫度影響。 設計特點 該產品是一個由環氧樹脂完全密封在不銹鋼套中的紅外開關,結實耐用。設計時就考慮其必須不受蒸汽,水,灰塵,沖擊,震動以及油污的這些重工業環境影響。它的溫度補償系統可以應付極端多變的溫度環境。該產品有一個內部測試電路,可在正式檢測之前做預檢查。它可以是整體化的器件,也可以帶遠程光纖透鏡系統。加上水冷或風冷套后,還可在高溫環境下工作。另外它還有一個特別設計的旋轉支架可以使檢測器在三個軸向做自由旋轉。
flow-captor Flow Sensors as Meters and Switches for liquid and pasty media, also: combined temperature- and flow meters MORE vent-captor Self-Contained Air Flow Sensors as Meters and Switches for Air or Gaseous Media MORE foto-captor Rugged, Maintenance-Free, Infrared Detector Systems for the Steel Industry and other Hot Products MORE laser-captor High Performance Laser Barrier System for Remote Sensing in Extreme Evironments MORE proxi-captor Inductive Proximity Switches for Non-Contact Switching for the Heavy Industry MORE New products designed for OEM's; low cost, simple installation flow sensors and systems MORE Accesories Power Supply Units, Electronic Totalizers...
weber Sensors is known for robust and very reliable sensing systems. Our customers are globally active companies but also highly specialized small companies in many different industrial areas: Metal and Mining, Automotive and Transportation, Air Conditioning, Power generation and Distribution, Water Treatment, Chemical and Food Processing. captor products stand for a very high performance even under severe ambient conditions. Founded in the 50's, weber Sensors has pioneered many developments for the growing industrial market. The first static Heat Radiation Switches without any moving parts have helped to significally improve the manufacturing process in rolling mills. The first Hot Metal Detectors (HMD's) in 2 wire/AC Technology The first electronic inductive proximity switches in 2 wire/AC technology (the founder of weber Sensors - Gunther Weber - is the founder of the proximity switch) The first flow sensors, based on the calorimetric proinciple (flow- and vent-captor) If you want to learn more about our products and services, please contact us. You will experience the difference between a "sensor" and a "captor": captor products are designed with the user in mind. They are easy to install and to setup and they offer an unmatched reliabilty and performance even after long years of operation.