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歐洲瑞德威微量天平1ug簡介 歐洲RADWAG(瑞德威)是波蘭最大的電子天平生產商,也是歐洲及世界最重要的天平生產商之一。 RADWAG成立于1984年,現有員工350人,在波蘭有自己的生產場地、研發團隊及產品測試實驗室。專業生產世界一流的衡器包括彩色智能觸摸屏:精密天平、分析天平、微量天平、超微量天平、質量比較儀等系列,提供豐富多樣的現代化天平,廣泛用于制藥、食品、材料科學、化妝品、煙草、微生物、化工、電子、醫療,汽車制造和控制等行業領域。毋庸置疑,它是全球最大、最專業的電子天平生產廠家之一,排名世界第三大專業實驗室天平(微量天平和質量比較器天平)的生產商。 Company RADWAG Balances and Scales is the leading manufacturer offering complete range of modern electronic weighing instruments and accessories covering demand of multiple industries in Poland and in the world. The company was established in 1984, today it is the leader in Polish market, and places itself among the leaders in the worldwide market of weighing instruments' manufacturers. Numerous certificates and awards granted to Radwag products acknowledge their high quality, reliability and precision, and their compliance with standards valid in different countries. more ? 歐洲RADWAG(瑞德威)3Y系列新款天平: 無疑是一場全球稱量市場的全新革命。全新3Y天平系列提供了最新的應用軟件,實現了實驗室稱量解決方案。 重復性和操作速度更是前所未有達到了最高水平。 3Y系列天平: ●直觀便捷的操作 ●前所未有的操作舒適性 ●用戶自定義的設置 ●廣泛的功能和應用 ●操作的速度和可靠性 ●擴展數據庫 ●電子水平控制系統 ●自動測試系統:全自動的質量控制 ●天平之間的數據傳輸和交換數據 ●創建報告和打印輸出的新選擇 歐洲瑞德威微量天平1ug的特點 功能: 計量稱量 檢重稱量 百分比稱量 統計功能 配方稱量 GLP 規范 吊鉤稱量 紅外感應器 移液器校準 2年保修期 UYA /MYA超微量/微量天平專為提高稱量結果的準確性和高精度要求而設計。專業級全自動內部校準確保精確稱量結果。 超微量/微量天平包含2個主要部件(獨立的電子系統和精密機械測量體系)。此解決方案可有效消除環境溫度變化對稱量結果精確性的影響,避免用戶使用操作軟件過程中對天平造成的沖擊或震動。 天平所有元件均采用防靜電玻璃及全鋼材質制造,提供了更好的防靜電及耐腐蝕保護,提升了天平的精度、穩定性及使用壽命。 ■ 5,7’ colour panel touch screen ■ Electronic level indicator , graphical indication of the level, programmable acceptable tilts, ALARM functions ■ Proximity sensors, programmable hands-free operation ( PRINT and TARA function, opening weighing chamber) ■ New software: intuitive, easy and user-friendly menu ■ Possibility of detaching indicator from the weighing chamber ■ Communication interfaces: USB (2x), RS232, Ethernet, additional display port 5,7”彩色面板的智能觸摸屏和Windows CE操作系統,實現便捷安全的天平操作 紅外感應器,實現無需用手接觸的稱量操作:開關門、打印、去皮等其它功能便捷操作 電子水平控制系統,在天平偏移水平位置時提供聲音警告和可視化提示功能,并已受專利保護 最新智能軟件,無疑是一場全球稱量市場的全新革命,實現了實驗室稱量解決方案 全自動校準技術,溫度漂移和時間設置觸發的內置砝碼全自動校準和全自動線性校準,獲得精確稱量結果 可移動、分離的智能顯示控制終端大大降低沖擊和震動帶來的影響,并增加了人體工程學的操作 通訊接口: 2個USB接口,2個RS232串口,以太網,2輸入/2輸出,更多的顯示端口 歐洲瑞德威微量天平1ug的技術參數 型號規格一覽表: 型 號 MYA 2/2Y MYA 0.8/3/2Y MYA 5/2Y MYA 11/2Y MYA 21/2Y 最大秤量 2 g 0.8/3 g 5 g 11 g 21 g 可讀性 1 ug 1/10 ug 1 ug 1 ug 1 ug 重復性 1 ug 1 ug 1.6 ug 2 ug 2 ug 線性 ±3 ug ±3 ug ±5 ug ±6 ug ±7 ug Eccentric load deviation 3 ug 3 ug 5 ug 6 ug 7 ug Sensitivity offset 1,5×10-6×Rt 3×10-6×Rt 4×10-6×Rt Sensitivity temperature drift 1×10-6/°C×Rt Sensitivity stability 1×10-6/Year×Rt Minimum weight (USP) 3 mg 4,8 mg 6 mg Minimum weight (U=1%, k=2) 0,2 mg 0,32 mg 0,38 mg 秤盤尺寸 ¢16mm ?16+?60mm ¢26 mm 穩定時間 5 s 稱量室尺寸 ¢90×90 mm 校準方式 專業級全自動內校(時間、溫度觸發) 顯示 5.7”彩色觸摸屏 接口 2個USB接口,2個RS232串口,以太網 ,2入 / 2出 型 號 MYA 21/P(移液器校準微量天平) MYA 5/F(濾紙稱量微量天平) MYA 100/KO(質量比較儀) 最大秤量 21g(移液器校準范圍1-10000 μl) 5 g 100 g 可讀性 1 ug 1 ug 0.001 mg 重復性 2.1 ug 1 ug 0.003 mg 線性 ±7 ug ±5 ug Electric compensation range 秤盤尺寸 ¢26 mm ¢100 mm ?22mm 稱量室尺寸 ¢90×90 mm ¢118×35 mm ¢90×90 mm 校準方式 專業級全自動內校(時間、溫度觸發) 外部校準 顯示 5,7”彩色觸摸屏 接口 2個USB接口,2個RS232串口,以太網, 2入 / 2出 ISO Quality System ISO質量體系 RADWAG is the biggest producer of electronic weighing instruments in Poland. In 2002 it implemented Quality Management System ISO 9001:2000, and in 2007 ISO 13485 (medical products). more >> Certifying Body TüV Saarland e.V. more >> It has performed certification of quality management system of RADWAG for compatibility with norm DIN EN ISO 9001:2008. The reliablity of our quality management system is guaranteed by annual control audits carried out by notified bodies, supervising our company. The Quality Management System introduced in Radwag has been acknowledged by the following European institutions: Cesky Metrologicky Institut more >> Czech notified body according to directive 90/384/EEC - NAWI and 2004/22/WE - MID. It performs test certificates for prototypes of RADWAG weighing instruments and iss, ues EC Certificate of Type Compatibil, ity. CMI has performed certification of RADWAG quality management system for compatibility with directive 90/38, 4/EEC and 2004/22/WE. TüV Rheinland more >> German notified body according to directive 93/42/EEC and for evaluation of quality management system of manufacturers of medical instruments. TUV Rheinland has certified RADWAG for compatibility with directive 93/42/EEC; attachment V and norm EN ISO 13485:2003. Main Mining Institute more >> Notified body according to directive 94/9/EC - ATEX and for quality management system of manufactureres who produce equipment for operation in explosive zones. It performs complete tests of prototypes for operation in explosive zones and issues Test Certificate Type EC. RADWAG has received an Announcement on Quality Assurance from Main Mining Institute in Poland. Measuring Laboratory of Radwag has been created and selected as an independent body in the structure of Radwag company. In 2004, Radwag Measuring Laboratory was granted accreditation from Polish Centre for Accreditation (AP 069), akcnowledging its competence and conformity of Quality Management Systems with the requirements of the International Standard - PN-EN ISO/IEC 17025:2005. Polish Centre of Accreditation more >> Polish body for accreditation of laboratories. It has confirmed Measuring Laboratory of RADWAG to be compatible with norms of ISO/IEC 17025:2001. Products certificates 產品證書 Metrological Certificates 計量認證 Central Office of Measures more >> Polish notified body according to directive 90/384/EEC - NAWI. It performs complete tests on RADWAG prototypes of weighing instruments and issues Conformity Certificate Type EC. ?esky Metrologicky Institut more >> Czech notified body according to directive 90/384/EEC - NAWI and 2004/22/WE - MID. It performs test certificates for prototypes of RADWAG weighing instruments and issues EC Certificate of Type Compatibility. CMI has performed certification of RADWAG quality management system for compatibility with directive 90/384/EEC and 2004/22/EC. Nederlands Meetinstituut more >> National Type Evaluation Program more >> American notified body. It performs complete tests of weighing instruments on compatibility with norms valid on territory of USA. Meteorology Law of the People's Republic of China more >> Chinese Certifying Office has performed tests on RADWAG weighing instruments and issued type approval document for RADWAG laboratory balances. Sanayi Ve Ticaret Bakanligi more >> Ukraine State Metrological System more >> Russian Federal Agency on Technical Regulating and Metrology more >> Special Certificates 德國TüV證書 TüV Rheinland more >> German notified body according to directive 93/42/EEC and for evaluation of quality management system of manufacturers of medical instruments. TUV Rheinland has certified RADWAG for compatibility with directive 93/42/EEC; attachment V and norm EN ISO 13485:2003. Safety Certificates 安全證書 Polish National Hygiene Institute more >> Science and Tests Institute for testing RADWAG weighing instruments on attestation for contact with food and harm of human health and life. It issues Certificate of Health Quality. Military Centre for Normalization, Quality and Codification more >> Polish certifying unit for compatibility with NATO standardizing documentation AQAP. It issues a document: NATO Code of National Market Unit, which is confirmed by a respective certificate. Main Mining Institute more >> Notified body according to directive 94/9/EC - ATEX and for quality management system of manufactureres who produce equipment for operation in explosive zones. It performs complete tests of prototypes for operation in explosive zones and issues Test Certificate Type WE. RADWAG has received from Main Mining Institute an Announcement on Quality Assurance. Prizes and Awards 全球獲獎(獎品和獎項) 2011 European Medal for AKM-4 series of automatic mass comparators granted by Business Centre Club 2011 Ambassador of Polish Economy in the category of 21st century Creator of Design and Solution granted by Business Centre Club 2010 2010 Ambassador of Polish Economy in the category of European Brand&n, bsp; granted by Business Centre Club Medal granted on the 12th International Trade Fair on Analytical, Measurement and Control Technology, Eurolab 2009 Jubilee Medal granted on the 10th edition of the International Fair of Fish Processing and Fish Products POLFISH 2009 Title of the 2009 Ambassador of Polish Economy in the category of European Brand granted by Business Centre Club 2008 European Medal for XA/X analytical balance granted by Business Centre Club 2007 Distinction express, ed by allowance of using "Q" symbol given by jury of "Forum Jako?ci Quality International 2007" competition Membership of Elite Club of Business’ Gazelles – a group of most dynamically developing companies, acknowledged by daily "Business’ Pulse" European m, edal for MXA/F microbalance granted by Business Centre Club 2006 Membership of Elite Club of Business’ Gazelles – a group of most dynamically developing companies, acknowledged by daily "Business’ Pulse" European medal for WAS/X analytical balance granted by Business Centre Club 2005 Membership of Elite Club of Business’ Gazelles – a group of most dynamically developing companies, acknowledged by daily " Business’ Pulse" Golden Wings 2005 granted by Wings Economy Award Jury and “Word” Daily Magazine 2004 Distinction for Polish technologies promotion in Europe and around the World granted by Pomiar publishers 2003 Market Individuality - "Merkury 2003" in "Product and Service" category for WAX scales with first in Poland CE certificates granted by "Foreign Markets" 2002 I Prize in Best Stand competition during II Scientific-Technical Conference "Using Technology and Measuring Systems In Industry” granted by "Wag-Tech" Pomiar publishers 2001 Prize in a competition of best market offer in Chemical Analytic category for analytical scales offer granted by III International Fair of Analytics and Measuring Techniques EuroLab 2001 Prize in a competition of best market offer in Local Measuring Devices category for series of moisture analyzers granted by III International Fair of Analytics and Measuring Techniques EuroLab 2001 1998 Wings 98 in acknowledgement of remarkable achievements at Radom’s region promotion in Poland and abroad granted by "S?owo Ludu"Award Jury Radom’s Wings 1985 Medal for Quality, Functionality and Beauty for Radwag’s domestic scale granted by Central Craft Union at National fair in Poznań


  • 公司名稱:
  • 無錫思耐德科技有限公司
  • 聯 系 人:
  • 秦紅華
  • 聯系傳真:
  • 0510-88080133
  • 聯系地址:
  • 無錫惠山區清華創業大廈801號
  • 郵政編碼:


  • 地址:
  • 無錫惠山區清華創業大廈801號


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