PS仿木板條(生態木、環保木、塑料木)生產線由擠出機,模具,冷卻定型臺,牽引機,切割機,料架和混合機組成。我廠經過多年的研發,在PS擠出領域擁有豐富的經驗,從原料配方、生產工藝再到成型模具,為客戶提供全面的技術支持。 PS仿木與實木相媲美,其產品有逼真的木質感與外觀,與木材有相似的加工特,可釘、可刨、可粘,又具有比木材更優越的特性:防水、防蛀、防霉,不會因日曬雨淋而出現裂縫變形,,它的價格遠低于優質木材的同類產品,是美觀、安全、耐用、環保、理想的木材替代品,廣泛應用于戶外家具、公園椅、休閑凳(椅)、沙灘椅、樓梯扶手、相框、室內家居等行業。 www.chanpinone.com
PS imitation board bar (ecological environmental wood, wood, wood) production by plastic extruder, mold, finalizes the design platform, gauzing machine, cutting machine, rack and mixing unit into. Our factory after years of research and development, in PS field of extrusion has rich experience, from the formula materials, production process to molding, to provide comprehensive technical support. Ps faux wood comparable with real wood, and its products have verisimilitude woodiness feeling and appearance, and timber has similar processing te, can nail, plane, sticky, but it has much wood more superior characteristic: waterproof, moth-proofing, mouldproof, won't because weathered and deformation cracks, and its price is far lower than of high-quality timber like product, it is beautiful, safe, durable, environmental protection, the ideal wood substitutes, widely used in outdoor furniture, park chair, leisure stool (chair), beach chair, stair armrest, picture frame, indoor household industry etc.